Friday, February 15, 2008


I have already mentioned the consistent 3a timing. Well, this morning that happened as usual - but with a new twist.

This morning I woke up feeling some pain - not fun pain, but genuine pain. I thought it may be pinching so I rearranged...tossed and turned a bit... still no difference. Got soft, still no change. I finally turned the light on and was nervous to see little red spots on my sheets. So, time to get up.

It seems that chafing had caused some bleeding. The side of my dick had been rubbed raw, and the skin had broken from getting hard and pinching skin in the vent hole. I thought I had been lubing everything well enough, but I guess not.

It has been 6 weeks... I don't want an infection... I unlocked - sigh. Showered, washed with disinfectant, applied betadine.

It looks and feels odd not to have a plastic cage locked on.

I decided to add a neoprene cockring. After all, my balls have not been able to hide for 6 weeks - no sense letting them retreat now

1 comment:

wes grey wolf said...

I recommend A+D ointment, my friend.. You can get it at Walgreen's or almost any pharmacy. When I'm in a CB3k or Curve, I rub some around the whole area a couple of times a day. In a metal belt, silicone lube works better, but every belt I've ever worn needs to be lubed copiously and regularly. I learned that lesson the hard way, as it seems you just have. --w